Breakfast in Bed

I love Sunday mornings! The mostly grown up children go off to work by 9.30am and I am left home alone to sit in bed with my cup of tea, read whatever book or ebook I have beside me. I can hear the sounds of people outside doing their Sunday activities, walking or running past my window, cars driving along on a mission to somewhere. The birds singing, happy the sun is shining and the day is warm.
Sunday is a day I like to breath deeply into, spend some time appreciating how the last week went. Today my gratitude is that I am feeling well after almost two weeks of un-wellness both physically and mentally.
I used to spend the weekend cramming as much as possible into two days and by Sunday evening I would feel exhausted and a failure for not achieving all I had on my to do list.
It has taken me years to NOT listen to the voice in my head 'Bossy Christine' who tells me to get on with it and stop lazing around. I know now that voice is not my friend and does not have my self-care as a priority.
I say to myself 'What serves you today, what do you need in order to feel cared for, relaxed, replenished?' I then start slowly, by having a cup of tea in bed, reading something I enjoy, breathing in and breathing out, listening to the sounds of the world around me.
I know I am in a privileged position of having mostly grown up children and so do not have to get up and feed little people. If you are one of the many parents who have a very busy morning schedule - is there someway you can slow down and make Sunday a day for relaxing, for replenishing, a day where the schedule is not adhered to and having a cup of tea in bed is ok, pancakes for breakfast and staying in PJs are allowed until noon...Movies and colouring in is prioritised and not the long to-do lists.
Can you take 5 minutes to breathe in and relax your mind and body, take a rest, give yourself some self-care. What does that look like to you? Can you ensure you have a a few moments or maybe a couple of hours to reset and replenish yourself.
Be kind to you. Be your own best friend.